#FitReaders: July 20th

Welcome to #FitReaders2021!! Felicia the Geeky Blogger and I are super excited to be co-hosting this fitness-oriented group for another year! If you have any questions about #FitReaders, you can leave them in the comment section or email me at twimom227(at)gmail(dot)com.

Most of our support is done via our Facebook Group. I will post my weekly check-in posts on Fridays, as it helps me be accountable. You are welcome to do your own check-in posts, check in below, in the comments, or check in with the Facebook group – whatever works for you!

#FitReaders information page
#FitReaders 101
Facebook Group

My Weekly Goals:

  1. Start getting active goals achieved.
  2. Start exercising at least 30 minutes a day
  3. Remember to keep logging everything.

Overall Goals:

  1. Burn 500 calories a day
  2. 15 active minutes a day
  3. Walk a mile a day or half an hour exercise a day.

Current Weight: 233.6

I have nothing to report. I haven’t really exercised lately and I haven’t kept a log of what I’ve been eating. I’ll try to get better!

Goal: Burn 500 Calories A Day

July 12th: 362
July 13th: 354
July 14th: 648
July 15th: 357
July 16th: 744
July 17th: 381
July 18th: 557
July 19th: 414

I’m in the middle of preparing for the convention that takes place in Savannah at the beginning of August. Once that’s behind me, I’ll get better at exercising. Hopefully I’ll get better at eating better too. We shall see!

Follow me everywhere: https://linktr.ee/StarsBooksAndTea

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